Joyce's Virtual Gallery:
Boat Collection
I have always loved the lowly dory boating how it sits in the water. I love how it is reflected in the shimmering water in which it floats. i also like to paint them when they're grounded. There's something ethereal about them, like they've had a tough life through which they have endured. I also like that their backboard is such a great place to add a name or thought. It's simplicity is also such an amazing characteristic. I love all the combinations I've used to draw/ paint them over the years.
The Boat Collection Exhibit
Pleasant Bay Dory
Etiam quis arcu quam. Quisque euismod ultricies luctus. Phasellus tempor arcu et ante faucibus fringilla. Sed purus lectus, auctor quis auctor vitae, tempus nec orci.
Pleasant Bay Dory
Etiam quis arcu quam. Quisque euismod ultricies luctus. Phasellus tempor arcu et ante faucibus fringilla. Sed purus lectus, auctor quis auctor vitae, tempus nec orci.
Chatham Dory
Quisque egestas ullamcorper diam. Aenean eu lorem eu ligula fermentum feugiat in at nunc. Integer quis accumsan risus. Morbi in commodo nibh. Quisque ultrices tellus sed tortor tincidunt semper. Duis…
Chatham Dory
Quisque egestas ullamcorper diam. Aenean eu lorem eu ligula fermentum feugiat in at nunc. Integer quis accumsan risus. Morbi in commodo nibh. Quisque ultrices tellus sed tortor tincidunt semper. Duis…
Faith Dory
Morbi ut aliquam libero, ac accumsan justo. Phasellus bibendum, ante quis efficitur rhoncus, dolor eros consequat leo, ac posuere magna orci at mi. Donec hendrerit convallis placerat. Donec lobortis…
Faith Dory
Morbi ut aliquam libero, ac accumsan justo. Phasellus bibendum, ante quis efficitur rhoncus, dolor eros consequat leo, ac posuere magna orci at mi. Donec hendrerit convallis placerat. Donec lobortis…
Big White Dory
Aliquam tellus enim, vestibulum quis fermentum et, vulputate ac sem. Praesent ut lacinia mi. Vestibulum porttitor augue lacus, id tempor arcu molestie vitae. Sed ut pharetra dolor. Praesent tincidunt…
Big White Dory
Aliquam tellus enim, vestibulum quis fermentum et, vulputate ac sem. Praesent ut lacinia mi. Vestibulum porttitor augue lacus, id tempor arcu molestie vitae. Sed ut pharetra dolor. Praesent tincidunt…
Ciao Dory
Ciao Dory was painted on the Italian Riviera in the beautiful town on Santa Margarita. I noticed this lovely dory in the small marina because of it's bright colors. The red, green, and white…
Ciao Dory
Ciao Dory was painted on the Italian Riviera in the beautiful town on Santa Margarita. I noticed this lovely dory in the small marina because of it's bright colors. The red, green, and white…
Patriotic Dories
Donec commodo dolor non dolor imperdiet faucibus. Sed scelerisque id turpis tincidunt tincidunt. Integer elementum, lectus non porttitor molestie, ex magna dignissim justo, quis pellentesque orci…
Patriotic Dories
Donec commodo dolor non dolor imperdiet faucibus. Sed scelerisque id turpis tincidunt tincidunt. Integer elementum, lectus non porttitor molestie, ex magna dignissim justo, quis pellentesque orci…